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Body Basics and Beyond Eugene
Policies + Procedures

Statement of Educational Intent

  • Body Basics and Beyond offers educational information only. Jane Higgins is a puberty and adolescence educator and is not a licensed therapist. Any recommendations and suggestions offered comes purely from educational and experiential perspectives and are not to take the place of the recommendations from qualified mental health professionals.


Safe and Affirming Space

  • Body Basics and Beyond does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, faith, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation, in any of its programs and services.

  • Body Basics and Beyond is an affirming, safe space for people of all genders and sexual orientations. Although these classes are based on female typical anatomy, Body Basics and Beyond is an open space for youth of any gender, where they can learn more about their bodies while feeling safe to explore who they are. We want to honor the variety of ways youth experience puberty.  No matter who our students are, they will learn about body changes, personal health, self-care, and where to get support.

  • Our programs also center around the parent-child relationship.


Parent Meeting

  • It is required that at least one parenting adult attend the parent meeting for each grade level appropriate program in order for their youth to participate in that program.

  • If it is not possible for one parenting adult to attend the parent meeting, a private meeting must be scheduled prior to the first class. There is an additional fee for this private meeting.

  • Parents not able to attend the parent meeting must be in agreement with any changes to the schedule that may happen at the parent meeting.



  • Parents are expected to turn in two documents prior to the first class meeting; the Registration and Parent Information forms.



  • Tuition payment  is due upon the first class unless otherwise arranged.

  • In order for a youth to continue attending Body Basics and Beyond programs all previous tuition must be paid up to date as agreed upon originally.

  • Partial scholarships might be available upon request and are handled on a case by case basis. I will do my best that no youth will be denied access to this education due to finances 

  • 2-3 month payment plans are offered and are handled on a case by case basis.

  • Refund requests are handled on a case by case basis. There is no refund offered for individually missed classes.

  • The deadline for registering for a program is 14 days before the first class starts. If the minimum number of required students falls below 6, that class series will be canceled. Deposits and full payments will be rolled over to the next available class series.

  • To secure your spot a nonrefundable deposit of $100 is required at the time of online registration. If you drop out of the class 7 days before the 1st class you will forfeit your deposit.

  • Electronic payment is accepted

  • PayPal

  • Venmo - @Jane-Higgins-17  

  • Cash  

  • Check (written out to Body Basics Eugene) to pay the deposit or full tuition.


  • Youth are expected to attend all six scheduled classes, arriving on time and remaining for the duration of the class.

  • If a youth is unable to attend a class it is the parents’ responsibility to inform the educator. If possible, an attempt will be made to bring that youth up to speed with material missed and new assignments. Ideally the youth will be able to attend class on Zoom.

  • If a youth is sick, it is expected that they will remain at home. If a youth arrives sick or becomes sick that youth will be removed from the classroom and parents will be contacted immediately.

  • To hold a safe, trusting and secure container classes do not begin until all students are present.

  • If a student needs to leave early, class will end at that time.


Class Content and Materials

  • Body Basics and Beyond doesn’t follow or support specific theories or belief systems.

  • When asked a specific or descriptive question about sexual activity, birth control, rape, sexual abuse, abortion or masturbation, students will be directed to ask those questions at home with a parenting adult. Then there will be a phone call home alerting the parenting adult of the student’s curiosity.

  • Body Basics and Beyond is responsible for providing each student with the appropriate class learning materials (class booklets and home activities). Parents are responsible for being sure that their youth have their personal learning supplies; colored/regular pencils and an enclosed pencil sharpener for each class.



  • Students always have permission to share what the educator presents, but must get permission from peers before sharing something another peer said.

  • We honor youths’ privacy as much as we can. However if we ever hear or see anything that concerns us about a youths’ physical or emotional safety, those parents will be contacted immediately after class with what was observed.

  • As an educator, I am a  state-mandated reporter and will report sexual and/or physical abuse.

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